This 10 Year Old Bourbon embodies the spirit of the West, honoring the inaugural year of the iconic rodeo, the...
Mental toughness is not inherited. It is not given. It’s learned, practiced and performed. For Trey Wasserburger of North Platte, Neb., a seedstock cattle breeder and...
Kara Elizabeth (Behlke) Ungerman, 40, passed away due to complications after giving birth to her firstborn child, Oliver Nolan Ungerman on Aug. 4. Before she passed,...
Lottery fever is sweeping across the U.S. as the Mega Millions jackpot has hit a whopping $1.58 billion, the largest drawing in history. With milk prices...
Dakota Cowboy, the hit show from BEK TV, is expanding its audience reach by streaming on the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association's (PRCA) Pro Rodeo YouTube channel....
Drought is creating a dreary outlook for Missouri farmers, but it wasn’t until mid-July that some of them realized just how bad it was. Farmers in pockets...
Keeping sows in ideal body condition can be a balancing act. Females that are too thin entering farrowing may have greater stillbirth rates, be more likely...
There is a reason why Michigan dairy farmer Kip Siegler’s YouTube channel is growing. His upbeat personality and his ability to show viewers firsthand what it...
KANSAS CITY, Mo. – At the second PBR (Professional Bull Riders) Camping World Team Series event of the season in Kansas City, Missouri, the Ariat Texas...